Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hope? Is it Hopeless? - Part 2

If someone criticizes our country we instantly call him an anti national. And this is getting more common now a days. Once we tasted some success with the economy we are more intolerant than what we were. There is a thin line between confidence and arrogance. Are we not becoming what we complained about the west always? We call the west aggressive, arrogant and over bearing. But are we not starting to mimic the west on this aspect too?

Yes we are growing. We are economically stronger than before. And we have the potential to grow further and for atleast another decade atleast at the current rate. More we are integrated with the world, more the opportunities to explore. But we are also not immune from any global issue anymore. Dollar was at Rs.40 this time last year its Rs. 45 this year. Oil was 90$/barrel this time last year it peaked to 140+ and back to 100$ now. Our inflation was much lesser than the current 12% . And energy is the key for our growth. And how secure is this resource? We need the whole world to help us out with this. Uranium and Nuclear technology is the only recipe for the enormous appetite. So we have the potential to grow but we need the whole world to help us with that.

Why are we dependent on the world for energy? We know we did not have the oil resources. So what was our strategy to develop alternative energy sources? How much was invested in this area and what was achieved? Our nuclear research and capability is shrouded in mystery. Are we hiding something here? But now we know our reactors are running out of fuel and many are running under the maximum capacity. Did our nuclear engineers fail us? Why are we at a point now when the ability to test another atomic weapon is tied to the supply? Is our govt. coming clean on the details of this deal? Or do we know if the whole world will honor the deal if we deviate from what they expect of us? We are still not out of the woods with and without the deal.

And on the other side the World needs us. They need our market. And our labor force. Like China has made manufacturing cheaper, we have made services cheaper. And we are a huge market for international energy companies. Now it is more a two way street than what it was before. But still, how much do we contribute and how much do we take? I am sure we do not hold the upper hand. Are we even atleast? No country is completely independent. But how critical is their dependency determines the strength.

Japan imports food. We are self reliant on this aspect. But good are we with water? All our major rivers flow across international boundaries at places. China can cut Brahmaputra out and divert water into its mainland. Nepal and China can cut water flowing into India. So what is out strategy to manage relations with these smaller nations around us and who hold the key to our survival?

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Hope? Is it Hopeless?

We are one of the fastest growing economy in the world. The fastest growing Democracy. Atlast, we shed the Hindu rate of growth of the 80s. Predictions galore. India is the next super power. And already a mini superpower. And more stuff like that. How hopeful are we to achieve this status? How realistic is that hope? Is it like God will show up one day as a knight on a horse back? Or like Sachin Saurav and Rahul can win us a world cup? Even if we grow economically what is the quality of life we are expecting? What about the environmental degradation? And associated health concerns? Are we going to spend the new wealth on water and medicines? Can we ever match the western quality of life even with the new found wealth? Where do we stand today ?

The most basic and fundamental of all requirements, tolerance. How tolerant are we? We are quick to jump on people if we are called racists? Remember Symonds - Bhaji? Are we really racists? We are not. Racism is more diverse and encompassing than what we are? We are casteists, lingustic bigots, regionalists, religious fanatics and least of all, if ever remembered, nationalists. Who can dare to call us racists? It will be years before we get there. So when are we going to heal?

Nation first mentality. We have a bottom up mentality and we never reach the top. Except in rarest of rare cases. Indo US Nuke deal is one example. But to get there Cong let regional satraps run away with so many things. Regional aspirations overtake national interests. And almost all states bordering the international boundaries (or LoC / LAC ... whatever it is called) have problems integrating with the mainstream. North East is like a separate country. Kashmir is still boiling. Naxals are entering newer territories and have a new found vigor since the communists took power in Nepal. 60 years since Independence and we are yet to secure our boundaries. How long can we fool students with wrong maps? How much of the actual published maps are under Indian control? How much are under atleast the Military control? How much of it has civilian leadership?

Accountability. Something our politicians and babus never heard about. What are they accountable for? How long do they spend time in the Parliament? How many times do they sleep during the sessions? Do they perform any duty commiserate with the pay (Approx 16000 per month)? How much time a common man being paid that money spends at work as against these MPs? When they cannot even attend the sessions and ask the right questions and get things done, how dumb are we to vote them back to power time and again? On the other side, how many of us vote? No excuses. Name not in the voter list, recently moved, out of town, hot outside, sick.... Think about the Cinema ticket lines we stood in, time wasted watching cricket matches during work days, time spent on Diwali shopping, and ofcourse in Tirupathi queue. Did we ever complain then?

Corruption. I don agree Western democracies are perfect. They all have issues. But with a difference. We need not bribe someone to perform his duty. Bribe is to make someone do something to bypass laws. In India, to get a the govt servant perform his duty he needs to bribed. What does it take to clean this? Education? Integrity? Higher salary? Discipline? We are always ready to jump with on politicians about black money. Given today's real estate prices, how many of us own black money? Are we not corrupt? Are we not greedy? Its just that we did not get our hands on such money before and when we did, we proved we are no different than our favourite corrupt politician.

To be counted and respected we need to show more discipline in everyday life. The way we ride on the roads, dispose garbage, personal hygiene. No road is wide enough the way we drive. Any number of garbage disposal dumpsters will not solve the problem if we are not ready to walk to it and drop the bag off. No clean wall will be seen till we stop spitting and peeing as we wish. So we need to behave when we travel and at home.

We should stop claiming things and instead make the world notice us. Imitation is the best form flattery. So stop mimicing the west and make them mimic us. Don't stop with Yoga.

To be continued...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

HailStorm hit Atlantis on launch pad

The closest I could get to this piece of Scientific Wonder. Space shuttle Atlantis on the launch pad at Kennedy Space Center, CapaCanaveral. It was hit by a hail storm a couple of days before and u can see those white scars on the Orange tanks. The shuttle was moved back for checks and repairs.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Hey Whazzzup ...

Hey Whazzzup ...
Originally uploaded by krisshcv.
I found Giraffe to be very nice animal to touch and feel. You can feed them too. Its a wonderful experience to play with a Giraffe. Its even more interesting to see the way taller one's eat grass. They almost do a split to bend down to reach the grass.

Twin beauty

Twin beauty
Originally uploaded by krisshcv.
Spring is here. Such flowers can be seen all over bay area. Its sure sign of end of winter (hopefully). Waiting for Clear blue skies.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Long time ...

I will try to get regular with my blogs from now on.

powered by performancing firefox

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Katrina -

I have seen the American Military prowess on History and Discovery channel programs. The attack on Dresden and airlifting of food into Berlin when the Soviets blocked the allied sectors of Germany are some prime examples of the ability of the US to use its airpower in an unprecedented manner. Ability to move into any enemy territory with enormous power anywhere in the world is their forte. There is no place in the world they cannot reach, on the land, in the air and under the oceans. But all this proved wrong. New Orleans was unreacheable for 5 days. No enemy fire whatsoever. It is not situated in some remote corner in the world but right in the US. When they could have airdropped food 24x7 and lit the sky up for days, they let people die of hunger and starvation in the street where they convened for relief. Its a Shame. When you had no scarcity of food, transport or money, its an ultimate Shame that can rest the discussion of America being regarded as Super Power anymore. Please feed your people first and they you can attack someone else.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

National Failures

We have a list of National ***** like National Anthem, National Song, National Animal, National Bird and what not. But I call them by one name, National Failures. Why so? Do we all know or sing our National Anthem? Or do we all know why not Vande Mataram our National Anthem? Not everyone wants to sing our National Song. We poached our National Animal to extinction. And no one cares about the National Bird either. We don't have a National leader but may be an international person acting as one. And why Hindi is our National language when not many can understand that? And why was it chosen in the first place? We may soon need to say Former National Animal and present National animal. We can instead call this a list of what we wanted to do and never did. Shame on us.

Why did we choose a British style Democracy when US was the most successful Democracy then? Why did we choose a weaker system? How can 543 jokers run a country where PM is a puppet of those jokers?

How come Hindi was chosen as the National language when Gujarath, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Punjab, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra and West Bengal and entire North east does not speak Hindi? UP, MP, Rajasthan, Bihar are the only big states which speak Hindi. Was it just for a vote bank or to show the dominance of hindi speaking people in the govt? So there goes our failure in choosing the right one.

Do we all know the history of the country? I don know who ruled in Bengal or Gujarath for that matter? But we were all made to believe Mughals were the only rulers in the country. No one knows who built temple at Konark, but we are all taught who built the Taj. And we bicker about the Taj in every possible way. Who owns it, who pollutes it and what not?

We can add more such to the list of national failures. But no one can beat us in naming something as our national treasure and not treating it as one.